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Cerebral Palsy Treatment
Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders that affect balance , movement and muscle tone. This is diagnosed usually in infancy or early childhood and permanently affects the body movement and muscle coordination.
Changes In Cerebral Palsy Patient -Before & After Videos
Let Our Patient Speak For Us
Condition before treatment:
Ritesh was unable to sit or stand without support due to severe tightness and rigidity in both his upper and lower limbs. He had slurred speech which was very incomprehensible and was only partly understood by his parents. Loss of trunk control made him bedridden for all these years. He had a totally dependent and miserable life
Condition after the treatment:
Four weeks after the treatment, his spasticity in both upper and lower limbs has reduced considerably. His trunk control has improved His words are much easily understood. After 6 months, he can now stand and walk without support. His I.Q. has increased, now he can answer questions asked. Stem Cell Therapy is ray of hope in the darkand handicapped life of Cerebral Palsy and mentally retarded patients.

Cerebral Palsy
Ritesh Pille
Master John age 10 years was admitted in Chaitanya Institute of Regenerative Medicine(C.I.R.M) for treatment of Cerebral Palsy.
Prior to treatment of Regenerative Medicine Master John was unable to walk without Support neither Sit properly for long time and also his Saliva kept dripping from his mouth always.
After treatment Visible Changes could be noticed.”
His Saliva dripping Stopped Completely.He Started walking Slowly and Steadily with the help of Stick and also Could Sit on the chair for longer time.”
“His parents were very happy with the line of treatment given here in Chaitanya Institute of Regenerative Medicine under Dr.Anant Bagul Sir.

Cerebral Palsy
Master John
Condition before the treatment:
Abrahar is a cerebral palsy child, with multiple deformities and contractures in his upper and lower limb. Trunk control was absent. Due to severe tightness in his lower limbs, he was not able to stand or walk. He had tightness in his hands.. Due to these multiple deformities in his limbs he had been bed ridden for all these years. He had severe slurring of speech.
Condition after the treatment:
After just a few weeks of stem cell therapy Abrahar started showing development pattern. This made him balance his body weight while walking. He can now walk straight using a walker. His speech has improved too greatly. His capacity to move both hands has Improved. He can now lift objects. His confidence level is improving. He now feels like taking part in various activities.after 6 months Mr Girishchandra can walk without support with full recovery of In this way Stem cell Therapy improved the quality of life.

cerebral palsy
Master Harkirat Singh age 11 years from Punjab was admitted in Chaitanya Institute of Regenerative Medicine for the treatment of Cerebral Palsy. Before treatment Master Harkirat Singh used to walk on toes and used to wobble.He was always afraid of falling and hence was reluctant to walk.He along with his parents to pune for the treatment.
“After Regenerative Medicine treatment he could place his foot on the ground.His Parents were very happy,Satisfied and Contented with the treatment.

Cerebral Palsy
Harkirat Singh
Stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy in India has helped achieve significant improvement with respect to marked motor, sensory, cognitive, and speech amelioration.
They also reported better bowel and bladder control with excellent tolerance.
It is the best cerebral palsy treatment in India and has shown regeneration of neurons, counteracting fibrosis and oxidation helping in improved nerve signals,good blood supply to the brain and eventually restoring the activity of the affected area which is a noticeable improvement.
Universal Hospital applies the multimodal approach in stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy. It utilizes the benefits of both bone marrow derived cells and the umbilical derived stem cells with neurorehabilitative therapies to give best results.
Compared to other sources of stem cells, umbilical cord cells have remarkably low immunogenicity and it tolerates the most amount of HLA mismatches without rejection hence it is considered to be the best stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy in India.
The use of stem cell therapy for Cerebral palsy , helps regenerate damaged areas in the brain and its progress can be observed through PET CT scans, indicating improvements. When combined with conventional treatments, cell therapy can contribute to the development and enhancement of cerebral palsy in children.

Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders that affect balance , movement and muscle tone.This is diagnosed usually in infancy or early childhood and permanently affects the body movement and muscle coordination.
The development of certain regions of the brain responsible for controlling muscle movement may not proceed as anticipated during fetal growth in some instances. Alternatively, injury to the brain before, during, or after birth may be responsible for the damage.The symptoms of cerebral palsy do not deteriorate with age. Despite the lack of progression in the damaged area, as the child develops the limb or the body part connected to the affected area of the brain might experience gradual decline in functionality . There might be different degrees of cognitive abnormalities.
Improving the quality of life for your child is crucial, and advanced cell therapy offers the best cerebral palsy treatment in India to achieve this goal, despite the condition being non-life-threatening.
● Spastic cerebral palsy – (70-80%)
● Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
● Ataxic cerebral palsy
● Mixed cerebral palsy
● Monoplegia
● Hemiplegia
● Diplegia
● Quadriplegia
● Hemiplegia
● Diplegia
● Quadriplegia
The major warning sign of cerebral palsy is delayed developmental milestones.
POSTER criteria helps to identify major symptoms
P – Postural or abnormal movements
O – Oropharyngeal problems like tongue thrust and swallowing abnormalities
S – Strabismus or crossed eyes
T – Tone, hyper or hypotonia, hence also called as floppy baby syndrome
E – Evolutional maldevelopment
R -Reflexes (Positive Babinski’s sign and increase deep tendon reflex)

If during pregnancy, birth, or infancy, any portion of the brain does not receive enough oxygen, it can result in injury, causing the loss or abnormal function of the body part that is linked to that specific region of the brain.
Causes of Cerebral palsy can be divided in three segments:
1. Prenatal or before birth : Viral infections like Cytomegalovirus,Toxoplasmosis ,Rubella ; In utero stroke causing bleeding in the brain, exposure to toxic substances like methylmercury,alcohol etc; Genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome, Lesch Nyhan syndrome,Retts syndrome, Neiman pick syndrome etc.
2. Perinatal or during birth: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy due lack of blood and oxygen flow to the brain and other important organs of the body,jaundice or hyperbilirubinemia.
3. Postnatal or after birth: Low birth weight,premature birth,traumatic brain injuries,Seizures at birth or first month of life.

- Detailed medical history of the child and childbirth helps to get a diagnosis
- Thorough neurological examination
- Routine blood chemistry investigations
- Metabolic screening
- X-rays
- CT brain
Frequently Asked Questions...
Intravenous stem cell therapy has been shown to improve functional recovery after a Traumatic Brain Injury.
Stem cell transplantation for cerebral palsy is still in the early phases. More research is needed to determine how effective it could be. However, there are some clinical trials testing the effectiveness of using umbilical cord blood infusions to introduce stem cells into the body.
There isn’t a hard age cutoff, but after the about the age of 70 or 75, most of the research would suggest that you don’t have a large amount of stem cells or certainly not a good quality stem cells
While the effects of stem cell therapy can be long-lasting, it’s not generally considered to be a permanent solution.