Dr. Anant Bagul
● Dr. Anant Bagul is a prominent orthopedician having clinical experience over 33 years and is associated with Universal hospital,Pune.
● Dr. Anant Bagul has completed his M.B.B.S in 1986 from the prestigious B. J. Medical
college, Pune
● He has done his MS in Ortho from B.J Medical College Pune.
Work Experience and Qualification of Dr. Anant Bagul:
● Dr. Anant Bagul has Specialized in Cerebral palsy & Polio Surgery Pioneer of Ilizarov Surgery in Pune with more than 500 Ilizarov surgeries.
● In 1989, he took special training from Dr. Virchow (France) about Ilizarov surgery. (Russian external ring fixator surgery) for the disabled children.
● In 1990 , Dr. Anant Bagul Took special training for disability and polio surgery from Sarvodaya Hospital, Mumbai.
● In 1991 he pioneered the Ilizarov surgery in Pune- introduced Ilizarov surgery for the first time in Pune at Kamala Nehru hospital. Performed more than 350 Ilizarov surgeries up till now.
● In 1995, he Became a life member of the prestigious A.S.A.M.I. – (Association of surgeons for application & methodology of ilizarov surgery.)
● In 1996, he Took special training of Vishakhapattanam technique from world famous polio surgeon Dr. Adinarayan Rao. He Performed more than 2000 disability surgeries up till now.
● In 2000,Dr.Anant Bagul Established a charitable trust- dedicated for rehabilitation & treatment of disabled children titled: – Chaitanya Vaidyakiya Seva Sanstha.
● In 2001-2007 he conducted 52 polio corrective surgery camps in association with rotary club in Pune in which more than 11000 patients were examined, operated and provided with callipers, crutches etc. Over 2000 free surgeries are done all over India. Some of which were sponsored, and some were done at the free camps held at various venues.
● In 2009 Dr. Anant Bagul was the principal Investigator undertaking clinical trials on “stem cell therapy in acute spinal cord injury” with Reliance life sciences.
➤ All orthopedic speciality including TKR,THR
➤ Stem cell therapy for Autism
➤ Stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy
➤ Stem cell therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
➤ Stem cell therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
➤ Stem cell therapy for Diabetes
➤ Stem Cell Therapy for Optic Nerve Regeneration
Dr. Anant Bagul has number of publications under is name
1) A research article in SCI journal ,The Bio Medic , A Medical Biotechnology Journal “Adult MSCs in Spinal Cord Injury “in issue 8 Oct-Dec Years 2009,
2) a research article in SCI journal Journal of Neuro science Effect of Bone Marrow Derived Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation on Cerebral Metabolism of a 20-year-old Autistic Patient Anant E Bagul, Prakash Jadhavar, Sachin Jamadar, Smita Bhoyar, Krishnaveni Gadiraju Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience, Vol 3, No 3 (2013)
3) a Research article in Stem cell Journal ,Role of stem cell in Cerebral Palsy
Presentation in National and International Conference:
Dr. Anant Bagul has presented at
● POSCION (PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC SOCIETY OF INDIA) 13 TO 16 JAN 2012 ,PUNE, 18th Annual Conference Of Pediatric Orthopedic Society Of India , Presented a scientific paper on Efficacy of stem cell therapy in Hypoxic Brain Damage leading to Cerebral Palsy, Result , Study In 25 Cases.
● DUFC ( DIABETES UPDATE FOR CLINICIANS) 12 August 2012Lucknow:In, Diabetes Update For Clinicians and Training in Diabetic Foot Care presented a scientific paper on Effect of Autologous mesenchymal Stem Cell in Diabetes Mellitus
● WSCS (WORLD STEM CELL SUMMIT )2012 Florida USA , : A scientific research Poster Presentation on Autism.
● STEM CELL SOCIETY SINGAPORE SYMPOSIUM ,2-3 November 2010, Biopolis Singapore Presented a research paper on A Clinical trial using a combination of autologous Bone marrow and Umbilical cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cells in Patients with Stroke.
● IACP ( INDIAN ACADEMY OF CEREBRAL PALSY), 2010 Presented a scientific research paper .
● DUBAI Summit International Conference 2009 Presented Stem Cell Paper at DUBAI, National Conference for Cerebral Palsy and various IMA
● One-day workshop by organising as part of the Centre for Bionetworking based at the University of Sussex, UK on ‘Patient needs and stem cell research’ to be held in Bangalore on October 5th, 2013.
● 6th Annual Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell-2013 on 12th -14th October 2013 in Dalian , China. Presented a scientific research paper on Role of stem therapy in Cerebral Palsy “
● WIROC 2013poster Presentation “Mini Incision Approach For Correction Of Fixed Flexion Deformity Of The Knee In Polio Patients. Dec 27-29 , 2013
● Mesenchymal stem cells in Clinical Trials :present scenario future perspectives.22 Nov 2012
● 4th International conference on stem cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2013)
● Clinical Trial opened the gate for patients with CP with the use of a combination of autologous bone marrow derived mononuclear cells, mesenchymal stem cells and Wharton’s Jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells. (Poster presentation) 3rd Prize,22 Nov 2013
● 1st International conference of Stem Cell Society of India , as faculty given presentation on Present Status of clinical trials in stem cell In India .27.02.2014
● 2nd International conference of Stem Cell Society of India , as faculty given presentation on Present Status of clinical trials in stem cell In India 2015
● 3rd International conference of Stem Cell Society of India , as faculty given presentation on Present Status of clinical trials in stem cell In India .2016
● 4th International conference of Stem Cell Society of India , as faculty given presentation on Present Status of clinical trials in stem cell In India .29.04.18
Ongoing Research Projects:
Participated as Principle Investigator and Sub Investigator in Various National and International Clinical Trials