Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney Treatment In India

best kidney treatment in india


Stem cell therapy exhibits potent anti-inflammatory properties, which effectively lower the extent of chronic inflammation in the body. This reduction in inflammation enables the body to initiate the healing process, which may have been previously hindered.

Stem cells are defined as cells capable of self-renewal and can differentiate into a variety of cell types

Additionally, stem cells possess the advantageous characteristics of cellular plasticity and are able to be expanded in vitro. Stem cell therapy has been extensively researched for the treatment of various diseases such as cardiac, neuron, vascular, immunological, and kidney diseases.

Therefore, this type of intervention has the potential to become the next frontier in regenerative medicine for the treatment of human diseases.


Chronic kidney disease also known as chronic renal failure is a gradual loss of kidney function.Chronic kidney disease comprises conditions that impair the kidney’s ability to effectively filter waste from the blood, leading to a decline in overall health. If left untreated and the condition progresses, the accumulation of waste products in the bloodstream can reach harmful levels and cause unpleasant symptoms

In addition to its effects on the kidneys, kidney disease can heighten the likelihood of developing heart and cardiovascular disease. These complications may manifest gradually over an extended period. However, timely identification and management of the condition can often impede the progression of chronic kidney disease. In advanced stages, kidney disease can result in kidney failure, necessitating interventions such as dialysis or a kidney transplant to sustain life.

Several research studies are currently underway to extend the duration between dialysis sessions or to discover alternative treatments for kidney disease, as obtaining a kidney for transplant can be a challenging task.

Stem cell therapy is among the ongoing research studies, and currently considered the best kidney treatment available in India.

kidney treatment in india


About two-thirds of all cases of chronic kidney disease are attributable to diabetes and high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

If left uncontrolled, high levels of blood sugar can gradually impair various organs in the body, such as the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, nerves, and eyes

Hypertension: Poorly managed or uncontrolled high blood pressure is a significant contributor to heart attacks, strokes, and chronic kidney disease. Furthermore, chronic kidney disease can trigger hypertension, Obesity, Smoking.

There are few other conditions that may trigger chronic renal failure, for example:

Glomerulonephritis:Glomerulonephritis is a group of diseases that cause inflammation and harm the kidney’s filtration unit. These disorders represent the third most prevalent form of kidney disease.

Inherited disease:Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited disorder that frequently occurs and is characterised by the development of large cysts in the kidneys, leading to damage to the surrounding tissue

Autoimmune disease:An autoimmune disease arises when the immune system attacks the body. Lupus nephritis is a type of autoimmune disease that causes inflammation, scarring, or swelling in the small blood vessels responsible for filtering wastes in the kidneys.

Recurrent kidney infection, also called pyelonephritis

Persistent blockage of the urinary tract, resulting from ailments such as prostate enlargement, kidney stones, and certain types of cancer


Several typical signs and symptoms include:

● Electrolyte and acid-base imbalance noticed in the blood chemistry
Increased levels of creatinine,BUN,uric acid,urea in blood
Presence of protein in the urine also known as proteinuria
Nausea due to accumulation of urea in the blood
Delayed healing and infections
Decreased calcium absorption in the body
Loss of appetite leading to low energy levels in the body



Renal Osteodystrophy

More susceptible to infection
Suppressionof delayed hypersensitivity


Kidney Ultrasound

CT scan
Albumin to creatinine ratio urine test
Blood test for creatinine
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

Treatment Qualification

Source Extraction

Processing Of Stem Cells

Re- Infusion

Changes In CKD Patient -Before & After Videos

Frequently Asked Questions

Chronic kidney failure is a condition that gradually worsens over time, ultimately leading to end stage renal failure. In conventional medicine, kidney transplant is the only available treatment option for this stage, and dialysis may be necessary before a transplant. However, stem cell therapy has been shown to be a promising treatment option that can potentially slow down the progression of the disease or lengthen the time period before dialysis becomes necessary.

Universal Hospital under the guidance of Dr.Anant Bagul is one of the best hospitals for stem cell treatment for kidney failure in India

The truth is, what really counts is not the city itself, but rather the expertise and experience of the doctor in the field of kidney diseases.

According to the ICMR and other regulatory bodies Stem cell therapy for kidney treatment in India and across the globe is in an ongoing research phase.

It is one of the modern techniques that have been explored by many researchers

Stem cell therapy does not promote regrowth, but rather has the ability to repair damaged tissue.

Kidney damage can be repaired using stem cell therapy , but the response of each patient’s body to stem cell therapy varies.

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Swelling in legs, ankles, or face
  • Frequent urination or difficulty urinating
  • High blood pressure
  • Blood or protein in urine
  • Persistent itching and dry skin
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels
  • Stay hydrated and reduce salt intake
  • Avoid excessive painkillers and self-medication
  • Follow a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Get regular kidney function checkups if at risk

Let our Patient Speak for Us

I am Murli Kumar 56 Years old ,Came to Universal Hospital Pune from UP. I am Suffered from CKD .before the treatment i need Dialysis 2 time In a Week ,my creatine level is to high.
my son heard about the rehabilitation treatment. i took treatment under Dr. Anant Bagul Sir at universal hospital . After the treatment I no need to go for a Dialysis and my creatine level is normal now”
“Me & My Son was very happy with the treatment. thank you Everyone in Universal Hospital and i could recommend other patients.



Murli Kumar