“My name is autim My 6 yrs Old boy Chitalu from Nigeria his Birth was unable to speak anything. I was tried Lot Of treatment for autism but no result in my son then Dr suggest me to take treatment of stem cell for autism in pune.
Hence We travelled from Nigeria to pune in Hope for treatment of My son.under Dr Anant bagul after getting admitted to Universal Hospital. we met Dr.Anant Bagul sir and we began the treatment.
After the 4th Dose only we could see the results. now can count from 1 to 5 within 7 days And improve on other scales too.
His eye contact has improved. He was first very hyper active and now become subtle and calm. He also follows few commands.
Thank you Dr.Anant Bagul Sir and Hospital

My son has been diagnosed with autism he was Very hyperactive & not Listening our commands. we approached At Universal Hospital with the reference of another autism patient who got good result. after taking a treatment of rehabilitation with doctor Anant bagul. my son shows improvement within a one month thank you Doctor & Hospital Team.

I am Sonali Phadtare my son Abhay Phadtare is suffering from ADHD Autism for the last 8 years he was going through a very difficult situation. He did not sit still in one place, constantly running here and there screaming, irritable. Constant beatings on the head, facing these things, not being able to speak, suffering, he could not say what he wanted to do, what he wanted to do. We Dr. Anant Bagul came to know about stem cell therapy from our friends and family And a month after we did that treatment, we noticed a huge difference. He started sitting still, giving eye contact, responding to calls, hyperness reduced a bit, a positive change was seen and we noticed a lot of difference within a month after we treated him. He started sitting still, started giving eye contact, started responding to calls, hyperness decreased a bit, positive change was seen.

“Ariyan Rehman from his Birth was unable to speak anything. his parents researched about the treatment and got to know about the fantastic results of Regenerative Medicine.
Hence they travelled from Bangladesh to pune in Hope for treatment of their son.after getting admitted to Universal Hospital.we met Dr.Anant Bagul sir and we began the treatment.
After the first Dose only we could see the results.our spoke for the first time uttered Maa and Baba.
His eye contact has improved.He was first very hyper active and now become subtle and calm. He also follows few commands.
we are very happy with this improvement of our child and look forward for his improvement as years pass by.
Thank you Dr.Anant Bagul Sir and The entire team for great Hospitality and effective line of treatment.

My Name is Corell Zollo i am From California. the Paitent is my 4 Year Daughter when I arrived in hospital they made me understand now that you ring yourself in English or not you will be fine and that is what is really happening. I arrived, I found a really very warm welcome. The way I came with my child who had a very good change When I was advised this hospital I thought it was just a small and happened to me myself. I found that this is not an advertisement, it is pure reality.
I arrived with the child and his treatment is going very very well. Well, I see a change because it’s my child, I gave birth to her, I know how she usually is. In the treatment is going very well, she has become a normal child compared to before. Thank You Doctor Bagul & Hospital Team.

Condition before the treatment:
Mr.Girishchandra, 47 years young man meet with a road traffic accident approximately around one year back, which caused spinal cord injury leading to Quadriplegia his life causing disabled. There was Loss of bowel & bladder control. He also had occasional trembling in his left hands, as level is C6. He had poor grip and release in both hands. He had limited movements of his both hands. When all the doors were closed, he found a little light of hope in Stem cell therapy.
Condition after the treatment:
After just 30 days Clinical improvement was much better observed after the stem cell therapy. The first change noticed was the reduced tightness and stiffness in his muscles and joints. As the time when, his sensory level increased considerably. His power was also improved. After one month with trunk control he was able to balance his body weight while sitting. After 3 months he recovered his full sensation of bladder &bowel Now after 6 months Mr Girishchandra can walk without support with full recovery of In this way Stem cell Therapy improved the quality of life.

Spinal cord injury
Condition before the treatment:
Mr pandit, 37 years young man felled from tree approximately around six months back which caused dorsal spinal cord injury leading to paraplegia. There was total loss of power & sensation below umbilicus. There was Loss of bowel &bladder control.Developed bed sores, urinary tract infection due to long time bed ridden.
Condition after the treatment:
After just 30 days Clinical, improvement was much better after the stem cell therapy. The first change noticed flickering movements in his muscles and joints. After 2 months, his sensory level increased considerably. His power also improved so he was able to balance his body weight while sitting. After 3 months, he recovered his full sensation of bladder&bowel now after 6 months He can walk with support.

Spinal Cord Injury
I am Madhav Patil age 45 years admitted in universal hospital of Regenerative Medicine for his treatment in Spinal Cord Injury. I could not walk properly and no sensation in my Legs.
I was heard about the treatment from my close friend and started treatment at universal hospital pune . After treatment there was visible changes i got power in my leg .
I am initially stood up with caliper. Later on with the help of Continuous Physiotherapy and treatment of Regenerative Medicine i can walk Slowly with walker.”
“I am very happy and impressed with the treatment. thank You Universal hospital Doctor & Team.

Spinal Cord Injury
Condition before the treatment:
Tanmay is a known case of cerebral palsy this resulted into multiple contractures and deformities along with very poor IQ level.Even at the age of 14 years he was unable to stand and sit even with support. His speech was slurred and was understood only by his parents. he had truckle ataxia which made him difficult to stand, sit or walk
Condition after the treatment:
He as discussed above underwent stem cell therapy. In just few days of stem cell therapy there was reduced tightness and stiffness in his muscles and joints. he can now walk straight using a walker for long time without getting tired. His tremors have reduced to great extent. Slurring of speech has improved too greatly. This has helped in developing a new ray of hope to live life happily.

cerebral palsy
Condition before the treatment:
Abrahar is a cerebral palsy child, with multiple deformities and contractures in his upper and lower limb. Trunk control was absent. Due to severe tightness in his lower limbs, he was not able to stand or walk. He had tightness in his hands.. Due to these multiple deformities in his limbs he had been bed ridden for all these years. He had severe slurring of speech.
Condition after the treatment:
After just a few weeks of stem cell therapy Abrahar started showing development pattern. This made him balance his body weight while walking. He can now walk straight using a walker. His speech has improved too greatly. His capacity to move both hands has Improved. He can now lift objects. His confidence level is improving. He now feels like taking part in various activities.after 6 months Mr Girishchandra can walk without support with full recovery of In this way Stem cell Therapy improved the quality of life.

cerebral palsy
Condition before treatment:
Ritesh was unable to sit or stand without support due to severe tightness and rigidity in both his upper and lower limbs. He had slurred speech which was very incomprehensible and was only partly understood by his parents. Loss of trunk control made him bedridden for all these years. He had a totally dependent and miserable life
Condition after the treatment:
Four weeks after the treatment, his spasticity in both upper and lower limbs has reduced considerably. His trunk control has improved His words are much easily understood. After 6 months, he can now stand and walk without support. His 1.Q. has increased, now he can answer questions asked. Stem Cell Therapy is ray of hope in the darkand handicapped life of Cerebral Palsy and mentally retarded patients.

Cerebral Palsy
Master John age 10 years was admitted in Chaitanya Institute of Regenerative Medicine(C.I.R.M) for treatment of Cerebral Palsy.
Prior to treatment of Regenerative Medicine Master John was unable to walk without Support neither Sit properly for long time and also his Saliva kept dripping from his mouth always.
After treatmet Visible Changes could be noticed.”
Master john Saliva dripping Stopped Completely.He Started walking Slowly and Steadily with the help of Stick and also Could Sit on the chair for longer time.”
“His parents were very happy with the line of treatment given here in Chaitanya Institute of Regenerative Medicine under Dr.Anant Bagul Sir.

Cerebral Palsy
Master Harkirat Singh age 11 years from Punjab was admitted in Chaitanya Institute of Regenerative Medicine for the treatment of Cerebral Palsy. Before treatment Master Harkirat Singh used to walk on toes and used to wobble.He was always afraid of falling and hence was reluctant to walk.He along with his parents to pune for the treatment.
“After Regenerative Medicine treatment he could place his foot on the ground.His Parents were very happy,Satisfied and Contented with the treatment.

Cerebral Palsy
Condition before the treatment:
Mr. Pandurang, a known case of left sided hemiplegia. Due to tightness and rigidity in his upper and lower left limbs he was not able to walk. There was Loss of trunk control. He could not stand or walk straight. He also had occasional trembling in his left hands and legs He had poor grip and release in left hands. He had limited movements of his left hand.
Condition after the treatment:
Mr.Pandurang underwent stem cell therapy.. The first change noticed was the reduced tightness and stiffness in his muscles and joints. As the time passed, his muscle strength increased considerably. His trunk control was improved. This made him balance his body weight while walking. His grip has improved a lot. His capacity to move his left hands has improved this has helped in developing a new ray of hope in his life.

Condition before the treatment:
Mr. Pandurang, a known case of left sided hemiplegia. Due to tightness and rigidity in his upper and lower left limbs he was not able to walk. There was Loss of trunk control. He could not stand or walk straight. He also had occasional trembling in his left hands and legs He had poor grip and release in left hands. He had limited movements of his left hand.
Condition after the treatment:
Mr.Pandurang underwent stem cell therapy.. The first change noticed was the reduced tightness and stiffness in his muscles and joints. As the time passed, his muscle strength increased considerably. His trunk control was improved. This made him balance his body weight while walking. His grip has improved a lot. His capacity to move his left hands has improved this has helped in developing a new ray of hope in his life.

I am Murli Kumar 56 Years old ,Came to Universal Hospital Pune from UP. I am Suffered from CKD .before the treatment i need Dialysis 2 time In a Week ,my creatine level is to high.
my son heard about the rehabilitation treatment. i took treatment under Dr. Anant Bagul Sir at universal hospital . After the treatment I no need to go for a Dialysis and my creatine level is normal now”
“Me & My Son was very happy with the treatment. thank you Everyone in Universal Hospital and i could recommend other patients.

my name is Harpreet Kaur age 26 Years Came from Punjab and i am Suffered from Muscular Dystrophy. I had no power in her lower part Body . I had difficulty in Sitting for a long time.
My parents heard about the Rehabilitation treatment . i took treatment under Dr.Anant Bagul Sir. After the treatment I am Started gaining muscle power day by Day . I would Sit for Short periods comfortably and also stand.” I am very happy. thank You Universal hospital Doctor & Team.
“Harpreet was very happy with the treatment. She and her parents thanked.
Everyone in Universal Hospital and Said that she could recommend other patients

Muscular Dystrophy
Condition before the treatment:
Dinesh suffering from muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder.He had difficulty in walking,due to progressive weakness in all limbs.His CPK level was more than 20,000IU.His parents knows the prognosis of disease so willing to undergo stem cell therapy.
Condition after the treatment:
There was remarkable improvement in power of both limbs His cpk level reduced upto 1000 IU in three months. His gait pattern also improved.

Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
My Name Is Laxmi Shweta i am 13 yrs old Girl Staying at Small Place in Tamil-Nadu i had extensive Weakness & having paralysis in both upper limb & Lower Limb due to LGMD. after losing all hope my parent Decided to under take a stem-cell Treatment by Dr. Anant Bagul.
It has been Six Month now i am Feeling much Better than Previously. now i don’t Need any Support in walking also get a in my leg And hands. i called helpline no 9011111222 & they Offered lost of support Whenever we needed thanks to Dr Bagul Sir & Hospital

My Name Is Surajit age 39 year I am From Aurangabad. I am Patient of AVN Since After Covid-19 I face problem after covid, sitting & Standing because of AVN.
we tried all type of treatment like physio therapy, regular exercise but no any effect on may pain & problem.
my brother search treatment for AVN On google we got a stemcell treatment for Avn in Universal hospital . after consultation with Dr. Bagul
We Decided to under take a stem-cell Treatment by Dr. Anant Bagul.
after taking 4 Doses of stem cell. improvement within a 7-8 Days thank you Doctor
thank you Everyone in Universal Hospital and i could recommend other patients.

Avascular necrosis
My Name Is Hassan Ali age 39 year I am From Bangladesh. I am Patient of AVN Since Last 2 years after Covid, i Facing Walking sitting & Standing issue because of AVN.
I tried Many treatments to Relif My Pain like physio therapy, regular exercise. But day By Day pain Will Increase I Was Very Worried About it.
my Relative search treatment for AVN On google. Find a Stemcell treatment for Avn in Universal hospital India. after Video consultation with Dr. Bagul
I Decided to under take a stem-cell Treatment by Dr. Anant Bagul.
after taking 4 Doses of stem cell. improvement within a 7-8 Days . I fell Less Pain in 8 Days thank you Doctor. i called helpline no 9011111222 & they Offered lost of support Whenever I needed. thanks to Dr Bagul Sir & Hospital.

Avascular necrosis
Condition before the treatment:
Dr.Nag is a case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus with Hypertension. He required insulin dose around 60 units’ daily and taken daily four tablets to control his BP. His cholesterol level also raised to higher side. He is a professor of anesthesia from AIIMS practicing in gulf country.
Condition after the treatment-
He underwent stem cell therapy for all his above problem. After one month there was significant improvement in his blood sugar level and reduction of insulin requirement. With control of blood sugar level his symptoms like polyuria,weakness, fatigue improved .Now his cholesterol is also under control and he requires only one tablet for his hypertension .He is very satisfied with stem cell therapy that works to improve his quality of life. His confidence level is improving. This has helped in developing a new ray of hope in his life